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Corporate Social Responsibility: Purpose-Driven Work

November 14, 2022

Diversity, inclusion and social responsibility are words often found in organizational mission, vision and values statements. While that is laudable, they can be mere buzz words unless living them is at the core of corporate strategy. We all need to lead by recognizing and prioritizing social awareness, environmental factors, ethical practices and cultural consciousness. No corporation in the world we live in now can thrive without a commitment to social responsibility. For Pilot, this means placing purpose-driven work at the core of all we do.

Underpinning the core marketing and communications strategies we develop for clients is the principle of grounding our work in the ethical foundations that have guided us for more than 30 years. Pilot has led campaigns ranging from therapeutic services like Easter Seals and Rainbow Riders to building or renewing cultural spaces such as the Sealers Museum and the Myra Bennett Centre for the Performing Arts.

Recently, we focused on the importance of caring for vulnerable animals through The Way Home campaign for SPCA St. John’s, aligning the Pilot team with the values of a client that has been a social conscience in our community for 130 years. We embraced the words of Mahatma Gandhi:  “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

We often work with clients who have a vision, a need and a solution to a community problem but lack the ‘know-how’ to get the project off the ground. Our starting point is to understand the client and to ensure alignment and engagement with the issues behind the campaign.

Once alignment is established, we build a solid case for support that resonates in the community. Using research that incorporates both demographic and psychographic data, we build effective marketing and communications strategies. People usually respond to emotional issues they care about, so we tell stories that engage hearts and minds.

So what can an effective corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy do for you?  Research demonstrates that companies who have CSR as a key business driver benefit from gains in employee engagement, brand recognition, sales and customer loyalty, reputation, and financial performance. Being a good corporate citizen makes a company stand out.

Pilot works with clients on both the corporate and the social enterprise sides of the CSR equation. On the corporate side, we develop a plan that identifies best alignment and steers marketing and communications strategies for success. For social enterprises, we develop strategies and plans that help them become sustainable. As our experience has shown, everyone wins.